Thrive Personal Fitness

2274 E Sunshine St
Suite 200
Springfield , MO 65804
Phone: 417-766-6612

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About Us

Personal Training Services

The first step starts with a complimentary fitness consultation. During the consultation we will:

  • Check for conditions requiring a doctor’s clearance to start an exercise program.
  • Review your medical history for conditions that need to be considered in designing your program.
  • Discuss your goals, your exercise history and how our fitness programs work.

After your consultation, we will begin your journey with an introductory week of training ($75). We will meet two times during this week to do exercises and assessments to help understand your fitness level, identify areas of potential weakness or emphasis and teach you basic exercise form. After your introductory week, a program will be recommended based on your goals and training needs. Programs are designed for 3 or 6 months and based on solo or team training (your individual workout but with 1-2 other clients) sessions.

Team training programs start at $114.50 per month. Solo training programs start at $186.50 per month.


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by jacob jac on 10/13/2023
When I walked into [Thrive Personal Fitness], I was battling chronic digestive issues that had plagued me for years. Their yoga regimen worked wonders, completely healing my condition. I'm deeply thankful for their expertise. Before my time at [Thrive Personal Fitness], I had tried Biomagnetism therapy. This therapy helped restore my body's pH balance through magnets placed on specific points of the body, facilitating quicker healing and promoting overall well-being. The beauty of Biomagnetism lies in its non-invasive and drug-free nature, making it compatible with various treatments, whether conventional or alternative. It complements other healing modalities seamlessly, allowing for a more holistic approach to wellness. I wholeheartedly encourage [Thrive Personal Fitness] to explore the possibility of integrating Biomagnetism with their yoga practice. The combination of these two powerful techniques could provide their patients with an even faster and more comprehensive path to healing. It's a step towards a more holistic approach to health and well-being that I believe many would benefit from. For those curious about Biomagnetism and its potential benefits, I recommend visiting It's an informative resource that can provide a deeper understanding of this remarkable therapy.
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